Dr Phillip Palmer, Simon Palmer, September 2012
Dr Phillip Palmer, August 2012
Dr Michael Sernik, April 2012 - A friend of mine recently began renovating his home, and in doing so he really wanted to install an old 1950s style custom bar in the living room.
Anita Roubicek, Daniel Midson-Short, April 2012 - During the next 10 years practice owners will face a unique challenge. On top of running their practice successfully in a competitive market, they...
Simon Palmer, March 2012 - One of the more common conversations that we get into with practice buyers surrounds the potential role of the seller of the practice post-sale. Many sellers aren’t looking...
Simon Palmer, March 2012 - When a non-owner dentist is not earning the take home remuneration that he thinks he should be able to, the usual gut reaction is to find someone or something to blame.And...
Dr Phillip Palmer, January 2012 - Many people are saying 2012 could herald a new downturn in the economy in Australia. Among many people in-the-know, the CEO of The Commonwealth Bank Ralph Norris...
Simon Palmer, December 2011 - When dentists talk about how busy they are it is not uncommon to hear them talking about how far into the future they are booked. They also seem to use this metric as a...