Simon Palmer, November 2010 - We are at that time of year when the dental schools give their latest batch of final year students their degrees and the graduates go out into the world looking for...
Simon Palmer, July 2010 - There are many methods people use to value dental practices. By far the most overused and problematic of the methods used is the “rule of thumb” methodology.
Simon Palmer, March 2010 - The Dentist is the one team member in a dental practice that can practice dentistry and yet somehow their time and headspace often gets compromised by the myriad of extra...
Simon Palmer, January 2010 - The Australian National Dental Board (NDB) is set to come in July 2010 replacing the old state based registration boards.
Simon Palmer, July 2009 - Winter time is upon us and that means flu season. Flu season is no fun for anyone – especially the sick. For businesses it causes a huge amount of stress and loss of...
Simon Palmer, April 2009 - You have finally found your ideal Dentist to employ after a long recruitment and interview campaign process. You both agree on remuneration and have a work agreement put in...
Simon Palmer, February 2009 - Glen is a 64 year old dentist who has owned his own practice for 40 years and is looking to retire. After a couple of months with his practice on the market he finds...
Dr Phillip Palmer, Simon Palmer, January 2009 - By the age of 45 years, most dentists start looking at how they will exit from their practice. At that stage of their career they have started to...
Simon Palmer, November 2008 - When people decide to sell their home they will usually do some tidying up and make some small inexpensive improvements. They may put a fresh coat of paint on the walls,...
Simon Palmer, June 2008 - Whether it is for a holiday, a personal injury or sickness, an emergency of another kind, or for continuing education, every dentist will occasionally need to take time off...