
Unlocking the secrets of your practice management software

Dr Phillip Palmer, Simon Palmer, May 2008 - When it comes to making a business decision you need to make sure that you have all the relevant information at hand. The information has to be accurate...

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The Employee Dentist Catch-22

Simon Palmer, April 2008 - Many dentists have found a Catch-22 when it comes to employing dentists. The practice’s main success criterion for employing a dentist has to be the dentist’s ability to...

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The rules of attraction - the competitive advantage when recruiting dentists

Simon Palmer, June 2007 - The shortage of dentists in Australia and New Zealand has been widely reported for several years now. One of the lesser-reported impacts of this shortage is that practices...

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Recruiting an Employee Dentist – gut instinct or preparation and protocols?

Simon Palmer, March 2007 - Most dentists depend on their gut feeling about a prospective employee, rather than utilise any structure in the screening and interviewing process. While gut instinct may...

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Don't tell anyone, I'm selling my practice!

Simon Palmer, February 2007 - The laws of supply and demand tell us that the more buyers that are interested for an item, the higher the price will be. As a result, typically, when someone is trying...

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Front Office Training - you don't get a second chance to make a good first or last impression

Simon Palmer, November 2006 - It is self-evident that a dentist who is able to build rapport will have the greatest chance of repeat business from a patient. However, to focus solely on the dentist’s...

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Recruiting employee Dentists for practice growth

Simon Palmer, September 2006 - I always find it amazing how stringent and narrow the criteria most practices have when they are looking for an employee dentist. It is often as if many principal...

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Dental spouses and associates

Simon Palmer, June 2006 - Working as I do in the field of Dental Transitions, I’ve witnessed several practices implode due to interpersonal tension related to an incompatibility between a dentist’s...

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Changes in UK dental regulations... our saviour?

Simon Palmer, May 2006 - While all of us in Australia and New Zealand are looking to the local regulatory bodies for some solution to the dentist shortage that awaits and escalates on the horizon,...

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Fail to plan? Plan to fail!- Invest in a written agreement

Simon Palmer, May 2005 - I recently overheard a conversation with a dentist at breaking point. Two years ago his practice was so busy he decided to take on an employee dentist “with view” and after...

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