Dr Phillip Palmer, December 2016
Whether you do, or don’t do a renovation or practice upgrade hinges on a number of things. It can be a stressful decision and one that shouldn’t be made lightly.
There are two key things you need to look at before undertaking any big business decisions:
1. You need to KNOW where your practice is at objectively. Rather than speculating that:
2. You need to understand the POTENTIAL for your practice. Understanding any gaps in your practice pinpoints opportunities for your practice to grow.
As a practice owner, you likely attended dental school to learn how to perform high-quality dentistry. And while you developed excellent clinical skills, that’s where the education stopped:
You weren’t taught how to run a business, or the financials you need to stay on top of: income, expenses, investments and savings
You weren’t taught how to lead a team
You weren’t taught how to communicate effectively with patients
-- The very skills you need to create a less stressful, team-managed practice.
Not being on top of any one of these aspects of running a dental practice can cause your practice to underperform, leading to slow growth, production declines and poor decision making as a result.
Prime Practice have developed an online tool to help pin-point what’s working well in your practice and any areas of weakness. You will KNOW objectively where your practice stands, where the potential lies and how to take advantage of the potential to take your practice to the next level.
The analysis will not only provide an objective evaluation of your practice, it will target where the opportunities lie, where you can improve and how to get there using over 20 years of management experience, and 30+ years of running dental practices to guide you with appropriate solutions to your unique situation.
Prime Practice has helped thousands of practices around the world. Find the gaps in your practice with our Practice Analysis.