
Practice of the month October- Booragoon Dental Clinic

Written by Client Interview | Sep 3, 2018 5:59:02 AM

Dr Phillip Palmer, October 2013 

Client: Dr Russell Fine
Practice: Booragoon Dental Clinic, WA
Milestone: Highest treatment case acceptance
Joined Practice Management Program: October 2012

What was your introduction to Prime Practice: After complaining to a couple of colleagues about how busy I was with "no time to scratch my nose" and give the necessary attention to all my patients, they suggested I do some courses with Prime Practice. I first did Primespeak Seminar and found it incredible and how it totally changed my new patient exam. I subsequently joined the Practice Management Program and have redone Primespeak Seminar again. I think I will do it a few more times so I can perfect Primespeak techniques.

What was the biggest impact of the Practice Management Program? Definitely the increase in case acceptance. There is one particular case I can think of with a patient who came in with a problem with snoring who needed some extensive treatment. After presenting all of his options to him, he accepted a large amount of treatment which is something I can’t imagine even presenting before. There are also loads more examples, totalling tens of thousands of dollars of income. The most important thing for me to remember is “what would I want if this were my mouth” and “what would I diagnose if the treatment were free”, both of which make me feel more comfortable to discuss higher end treatment without fear of rejection.

The other thing Prime has helped me with is pre-blocking, which helps me deal with the busy-ness factor. I am now booked 4 weeks ahead and need another dentist to take on the extra load. As a result, my business is growing enormously to the point where we have bought another practice and will eventually fit out with another three chairs.

How has your team been impacted by Prime Practice? We now have a really good team. We all get along very well, which is in part due to Prime Practice. I think that patients can really see how well our practice runs when they walk in the door. If you have a happy, interested team. This can be seen throughout the patient experience.